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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A New Solution to Distant Starlight

Fellow Young Earth Creationists are perplexed as how starlight from billions of light years away could reach earth within the same day they were created. In this article, I propose an entirely new solution that is both biblical and scientific. I call this theory, “The Star Growth Theory”. In a nutshell, God created the stars and planets on creation week. When God made the stars, He caused them to supernaturally “grow”. This rapid growth would involve not only the appearance of the star, but also of the star’s light. As the star itself grew, the light beams also grew by shooting out very quickly. At the same time, God caused the star to move farther away from the earth. When the light arrived at earth, God allowed light to travel at its normal speed.

By having the star grow and change while the light shoots out, this theory explains why we see stars slowly change. Because the star was changing rapidly while the beam of light was travelling rapidly, there were different images of the star spread out throughout this new beam of light. Now that the light beam has been allowed to travel at its normal speed, and because different images of the star are fixed in the long beam of light, when we see the slow change of stars, we are really seeing the rapid growth of those stars on day four confined to the slow (by comparison), normal speed of light.

By having the star move farther away from earth while the star’s light shoots out, this explains the redshift effect we see in stars.

By having the beam of light travel quickly on one day, this theory explains the Cosmic Microwave Background, which is a mystery for both creationists and evolutionists. The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is radiation across the entire universe that is at a uniform temperature. In order for this to be so, light from one end has the travel to the other end of the universe to even out the temperature. Cosmic Evolution (i.e. the big bang) can’t explain this, because not even in 14 billion years can light travel from one end of the universe to the other with the normal speed of light. If beams of light traveled faster on day four, this could happen on the same day.

Some may object that the stars are billions of years old since they grew. But that isn’t true. Growth and age are two different things. When God created the plants, He caused them to be “brought forth” (Genesis 1:12), indicating the rapid growth of plants of day four, rather than creation from nothing. Were the plants hundreds of years old? No, they were one day old. Growth and age are different. While the stars did grow rapidly, their true age was only one day old.

So that’s my theory in a nutshell - the stars grew supernaturally on day four. So far as I have researched, this theory explains the Cosmological mysteries that we observe in the universe today, and is within the boundaries of Scripture.

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